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The Best Blogging Ebook to Learn Blogging for Business

Jan 4, 2022 | Blogging Tips

An interactive relationship with your target audience. Growing your business and staying relevant with a voice of authority in your industry. These are just two examples of the ways blogging can help your business thrive. If you’re ready to dive into what it takes to write content that converts, read on to discover the best blogging ebook to learn blogging for business and the vast benefits of doing so.

4 Reasons to Learn Blogging for Business

Blogging for business doesn’t have to take up too much of your time or resources. You can easily create content that provides value to your audience when you learn to write strategically. Once you do, you’ll start to see your business grow because blogging for business generates four significant benefits.

1. Learn Blogging for Business to Increase Website Traffic

As of January 2021, there were 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide. People everywhere use computers and smartphones to locate businesses, shop for groceries, further their education, and much more. If only there were a way to drive some of that traffic to your website. You could reach more people, make more sales, and share your knowledge with the world.

Fortunately for you, there is. Blogging serves as an instrument of communication between you and your target audience. Strategically using SEO keywords and strategies in each of your blog posts will increase the number of people that see your content by helping you rank on Google and drive traffic to your website. More traffic means more business opportunities, more qualified leads, and, ultimately, more sales.

2. Learn Blogging for Business to Engage Your Target Audience

When you optimize your blogs for SEO and generate website traffic via search engines, people everywhere can connect with your brand, learn about your products and services, and even make a purchase. Getting people to your website via your blog is the first step. Engaging them once they are there is the second. When you provide valuable solutions to your audience’s questions, pain points, and interests, you keep their attention and attract more people like them. You want website visitors to engage with your brand–enroll in text alerts, sign up for your newsletter, and purchase products and services. An engaging, updated blog can do all these things and more.

3. Learn Blogging for Business to Generate Leads and Sales

Studies show that the average consumer connects with a brand 56 times before making a purchase. The good news is that you can influence how long it takes for someone to see and interact with that amount of content. As a business, you are free to post interesting and helpful information as you see fit. 

Take a door-to-door salesman, for example. Say he is guaranteed one sale for every 56 doors he knocks on. With a goal of 10 sales per week, parking in a neighborhood and walking door-to-door may not get the job done. However, if the salesman parks his car and uses a scooter to go door-to-door, he will likely meet his goal. Similarly, when you learn blogging for business and write and publish blogs frequently, you speed up the 56 interactions needed to make a sale. You become the salesman on a scooter.

Each SEO-optimized blog post is a chance for your target audience to find your website on search engines and start their journey of connecting with your brand. That’s one interaction—55 to go. The more your audience knows you, likes you, and trusts you, the more likely they are to purchase from you. Your blog posts are the perfect place to showcase your industry knowledge, highlight your audience’s pain points, let them know you understand their needs, and provide solutions through your products and services. Plus, the more blogs you post, the faster you can turn a potential customer into a loyal shopper or an interested site visitor into a retainer client.

4. Learn Blogging for Business to Separate You from the Crowd

With all that takes place online these days, it’s easy for your target audience to get lost in the sea of information and “miss” your brand if you don’t constantly promote your company. A well-written, consistently updated company blog will separate you from “the crowd” of your industry competitors and ensure you don’t become just another brand that’s passed by.

Stand Out with Relevant Content

Many companies are familiar with the concept of blogging for business yet fail to deliver where it matters most. Hate to break it to you, but unless you own a cooking company, sharing a seasonal recipe on your blog won’t attract your target audience. Unless you are an animal shelter, sharing a cute story and picture of your puppy won’t generate leads and sales. Your blog content must be relevant, engaging, and strategic. 

It’s been said that “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” It’s true. People are more likely to engage with content that’s relatable and shows you understand their pain points, needs, and interests. Writing thought-provoking articles, industry-specific news, and engaging content will showcase the originality and uniqueness of your brand. Your audience will resonate with your message and be compelled to engage, as sincerity and intentionality go a long way.

Others companies have tried to write blogs and quickly abandoned ship for various reasons leaving a “Blog” page on their website with very little helpful information on it. These companies have made it easier for your business to stand out by being consistent. People are busy, and the lack of new, relevant, exciting content on their website shows. Consistent content is a sure-fire way to show your audience you care about providing them with helpful information.

What is the Best Blogging Ebook to Learn Blogging for Business?

Now you know all the fantastic benefits of bogging. Now it’s time to find the best blogging ebook to teach you how to write content that works. Too many free blogging ebooks are filled with “fluff,” generic information anyone can find on the web. When I wrote my new blogging ebook, “How to Write a Blog Post that Works to Convert,” I decided it would be a zero-fluff resource. Instead, it’s filled with the step-by-step instructions, helpful tips, industry tricks, and content marketing tools you need to learn how to write a blog post that works to convert your target audience into paying customers and clients.

Learn How to Write a Blog Post with My Blogging Ebook

If you’re ready to learn blogging for business, then it’s time to invest in the best blogging ebook around–“How to Write a Blog Post that Works to Convert.” In it, I share the exact steps I take when writing blog posts for my clients… blogs that generate thousands of dollars in sales for small businesses. If you follow along, by the end of the ebook, you’ll have an SEO-optimized, engaging, relevant blog post ready to go live on your site and start generating website traffic, leads, and sales. Click HERE for a sneak peek of what’s inside, and use the code “SCOOTER” at checkout for 10% off your purchase! 


I have always been passionate about writing and helping people, but I was unsure of how to blend the two. Now I know: it’s here with you – using my passions and skills to help your small business grow and thrive. 

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