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3 Ways to Grow Your Business Outside of Social Media

Feb 9, 2022 | Business Tips, Content Marketing 101

Does this sound like you? You spend hours developing a social media strategy, creating content pillars, and designing engaging content for posts. You decide to hop on the Instagram Reels train and spend your Saturdays dancing, pointing, and lip-syncing around your living room (or whichever room has the best lighting). You take time to engage with other accounts on social media and show your face on Stories. You even go crazy and throw some new content up on Facebook or share a pin on Pinterest in hopes of reaching someone new. You do all this and… it doesn’t even make a dent in your client base or overall income. You spend hours for seemingly nothing, maybe a single inquiry now and then. Have you heard social media platforms are the best ways to grow your business, yet you don’t see the growth you want? If so, you’re not alone. 

I’ve had a love-hate relationship with Instagram since I created a personal account years ago. Once I started an account for my business, the “hate” side of the relationship began to take over. Because that was me up there in the previous paragraph, spending hours trying to keep up with the trends and do everything “right” on social media. And it didn’t bring in any new clients or profits.

Fortunately, I quickly realized there are way more valuable ways to grow your business than social media. And I’m going to share the three strategies that have helped me increase website traffic, generate leads, grow my client base, and make 6-figures annually.

If you’re tired of recording yourself lip-syncing in your living room on Saturdays, here are three other ways to grow your business that work. 

3 Ways to Grow Your Business that Aren’t Social Media Marketing

I’ll also be sharing my best tips and resources to help you implement these new strategies effectively. I may receive a commission for any affiliate links, but I stand behind everything I’m sharing and am happy to answer any questions you might have about the small business tools I promote. 

Ways to Grow Your Business, Business Ideas, Business Growth, Marketing Strategies, Email Marketing, Cold Emailing, Blogging, Blogging for Business

Ways to Grow Your Business with Cold Emailing

I’ve used cold emailing to generate 96.38% of my client base. (Okay, so I made up that percentage, but it’s close.) Cold emailing is essentially sending emails out of the blue to businesses you want to work with and hoping they open and respond to your email. While it sounds like a Hail Mary, I promise it works. And I can promise you that because cold emailing is the main strategy I used to establish and grow my 6-figure business. However, there are two critical things to keep in mind regarding cold emailing. 

1. You Must Personalize Each Email

There are non-cringey ways to cold email prospects. As a business owner, you’ve probably received a handful (or more) of cold emails that suck. The person sending the email refers to you by your business name even though your actual name is plastered on your website and included in your email address. The email content is riddled with grammatical errors. Not to mention you aren’t even interested in their services.

How can you avoid that? By personalizing each email. It may take a bit longer than sending a mass email to a bunch of people, but the response will be significantly better. Be genuine, transparent, and personal, from the subject line to the actual email content. 

2. You Must Email the Right People

You shouldn’t email a company’s general email address and expect a positive response–or any response for that matter. Instead, you need to email the decision-makers–the CEOs, CMOs, founders, and presidents. Email the people that care about the success of their business–not the minimum wage employees that filter thousands of incoming emails to “support,” “info,” or “customer service” addresses. 

Unfortunately, the decision-makers don’t always give up their email addresses. You may be able to find one if you do some digging, but even then, you can come up empty-handed. I use a business tool that can find pretty much any email address I need for any business owner I want to work with. It’s called Hunter, and it does the email address hunting for you. That way, you can spend your time personalizing an email that will reach someone who can and wants to do business with you. 

You can try Hunter today and see how easy it is to find email addresses to grow your business with cold emailing. And please reach out to me if you have any questions about using cold emails. I’m happy to share more about my experience and tips for success! 

Ways to Grow Your Business, Business Ideas, Business Growth, Marketing Strategies, Email Marketing, Cold Emailing, Blogging, Blogging for Business

Ways to Grow Your Business with Email Marketing

Emailing marketing is a great way to grow and steward your followers. First, you need to build an email list. To do that, you need a great offer. Then, you need an engaging form that highlights your offer and asks people for their email addresses in exchange. Then, you need a stunning email to send your audience that gives them your offer. That’s how you build an email list. 

To steward that list, you need to send monthly emails that engage your audience. Email marketing isn’t about pushing a sale but building a relationship with your followers so that they’ll make a purchase later on. That’s why I always recommend sending a monthly email newsletter to your subscribers that benefits them. Rather than only sending emails when you have a new package or service to sell, send emails with free content, helpful resources, and personalized content to build trust with your audience. 

My favorite email marketing platform is Flodesk. (You can read why I switched from Mailchimp to Flodesk HERE.) With Flodesk, you can create custom forms and include your free resource in an email that’s automatically sent to a new subscriber when they sign up. Once you create email workflows in Flodesk, it’s a hands-off marketing strategy. Then, when you’re ready to send your monthly newsletter, you can choose from modern, sleek, customizable email templates for an easy plug-and-play creation process. Want to give it a try? Try Flodesk free for 30 days and get 50% off when you sign up with my link for 50% OFF Flodesk (or use the code “SNRGCM” at checkout). 

Ways to Grow Your Business with Blogging

I have gotten hundreds of blogs to the first page of Google, many claiming the #1 spot, above paid advertisements. I’ve done this for my clients for years and have helped them generate thousands of dollars in new business from their blog posts. When you consistently write and publish SEO-optimized blog posts, your website will rank on Google for the words, terms, phrases, and questions your ideal audience is searching for online. 

When your blogs rank on Google, it increases website traffic and generates leads, which leads to new clients and sales. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to just slap some words on a page and throw a blog post on your website. Blogging for business is a strategic approach to writing content with a purpose, for a purpose. It includes frontend and backend SEO strategies that grab Google’s attention and reach your target audience. Fortunately, learning how to blog for business is easier than you might think. You don’t have to be an amazing writer to produce content that ranks on Google and converts your audience. You just need to know how to approach blog writing for business strategically. 

In my blogging ebook, I teach you everything you need to know–everything I do to rank all my clients’ blogs on Google. While I’m also more than happy to work together and write your blog posts for you, I understand not everyone has the means to hire a content marketer. That’s why I put all my knowledge and experience into one easy-to-digest, step-by-step blogging ebook. It’s all you need to start writing blog posts that rank on Google, drive website traffic, and generate leads and sales. It’s one of the most effective ways to grow your business organically (free), and it’s easy to start today!

Try New Ways to Grow Your Business Today

Ready to diversify your marketing efforts? Then try cold emailing with Hunter, email marketing with Flodesk, and blogging with my ebook: How to Write a Blog Post that Works to Convert. As always, reach out to me with any questions. I’m here to help your small business thrive! 


I have always been passionate about writing and helping people, but I was unsure of how to blend the two. Now I know: it’s here with you – using my passions and skills to help your small business grow and thrive. 

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