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Don’t Fall Victim to a Boring Blog: The Why

Jul 13, 2020 | Blogging Tips

A well-written business blog is a necessity, and you may not know that…yet.

At Synergy Content Marketing, we believe a blog should be the center of your online content marketing strategy. It increases website traffic and results in leads and sales by adding value to your customers and clients. 

Unfortunately, many businesses have let their company blog fall to the wayside. That is if they even started one in the first place. This is understandable. Crafting an engaging, educational, and entertaining blog takes time, energy, and skill. When these attributes are lacking, companies easily fall victim to a boring blog, or worse, no blog at all. 

The key to not falling victim to a boring blog–and instead, posting consistent content that connects with your target audience–is in the “why.” Why have a blog? Why should your company, specifically, have a blog? 

Knowing The Why Behind Your Business Blog

There are vast benefits to having a business blog on your website. Here are seven reasons to help you determine your “why.”

1. Attract Your Target Audience

By blogging, you are able to reach thousands of people at the click of a mouse. Within seconds of posting, your idea, knowledge, and business can be accessible to the world. By providing valuable insights and solutions to your target audience, you give to them without asking for anything in return. This sidesteps the potential awkwardness of a direct sale. 

A well-written blog can convert your readers easily and effortlessly when you write articles that provide value rather than a sales pitch.

2. Establish Rapport with Your Customers and Clients 

Having a well-written blog that features important, trending, or valuable topics relevant to your target audience helps you establish yourself as an informative, trustworthy source. The more a potential customer or client knows you, likes you, and trusts you, the more likely they are to further engage with your brand, products, and services.

A well-written blog has the potential to convert your target audience to a customer or client easily and effortlessly.

3. Learn More and Share Your Knowledge

Blogging forces you to teach yourself. This way, you not only produce a well-written blog for your target audience, but you share your newly found information, skills, and solutions with the world.

When you realize a common question from your target audience is not easily found on the web–or that the information found is incorrect or missing important aspects–you have the opportunity to learn about it and write about it, making it easily accessible for your target audience to read and understand. In the meantime, you are becoming a better writer, which may lead to even more opportunities.

4. Create Business Opportunities

When you use your blog to share valuable information, it can lead to additional business opportunities. Your blog can be an opportunity generator if you use it well. A potential business partner may find you through your blog. From your writing, they realize you have the knowledge they are lacking. Because of this, they offer a chance to pursue a business opportunity together. You may also find that someone enjoys the way you write and is interested in having you write for their company as well. 

Additionally, your blog can bring you passive income. By including product highlights and referencing your services within your blog, you create additional opportunities to convert your readers.

Not only does an informative, well-written blog enable you to share ideas and solutions with your target audience, but it also allows you to become an expert in your field. You develop knowledge and skills that can later be used for additional business opportunities, while looking like the professional you are to your customers and clients. 

“Your blog can be an opportunity generator if you use it well.

5. Tell Your Story 

Blogging enables you to highlight and share your brand through another platform. And the best part is you can make it your own. You can tell your story and share your opinions and solutions the way you want to. You determine the image you want to show the world. 

A well-written company blog can highlight your products and services in a way that is unique to you and your brand. 

6. Highlight Your “Wow” Factor 

A well-written company blog also helps you separate yourself from “the crowd,” i.e. your competitors. Many companies do not have a blog–or they have one, but it hasn’t been updated since 2016. And of those companies who do have a blog on their website, only a handful of them do it well. Not all blogs are created equal. During this digital age, where information is vast and vital, you can assure your brand will stand out among the rest with a well-crafted, consistently updated company blog.

You will also be able to validate yourself among your competitors. Show yourself as an expert in your field to readers, customers, and other businesses. 

7. Drive Traffic to Your Website 

Blogs are an ever-evolving collection of articles, keywords, and experiences that help drive traffic to your website, which is great for your bottom line. Increased activity on your website brings increased opportunities for sales.

So, how does a blog get people to your website?

Through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) keywords and phrases strategically placed throughout your blog, you will rank higher in Google searches, possibly even landing you on the first page. The more your blog content is featured in search engine results, the more people will visit your website to find the answer to their Google search through your blog content. 

What is Your “Why?”

So, as a business owner, it is time to ask yourself, “what is my ‘why?’” In order to not fall victim to a boring blog, you must determine your motivating factor. Crafting a well-written blog article takes time and skill, but it is definitely worth the results. 

Are you ready to take your company to the next level with a thriving blog?

At Synergy Content Marketing, we believe in the power of a business blog to generate website traffic, leads, and sales. Plus, we have the time, energy, and skills readily available to give your content marketing strategy the boost it needs to bring you the results you’ve been looking for. Contact us today so we can help you break the cycle of a boring blog.


I have always been passionate about writing and helping people, but I was unsure of how to blend the two. Now I know: it’s here with you – using my passions and skills to help your small business grow and thrive. 

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